Charleston, South Carolina--what a city. Brimming with history, color, and people! Ginger and I took a cab downtown and arrived in the morning. Fortunately, we had both been to Charleston before and we had taken one of the ubiquitous buggy rides, so we pretty much knew the area and the history. We had never, however, been to the Aiken-Rhett House, a house that stands in the downtown area and is managed by a historical Charleston society. The house is unique because it was built in the early 19th century and was only updated once--around 1858. So the wallpapers and most of the light fixtures are original. The house has been preserved, not restored, and it is fascinating--especially the slave quarters and stables in the back of the house. It is perfectly easy to understand where and how the slaves lived by studying the house. There are even two rather elegant privies (outhouses) at the back of the property--amazing. The home is loaded with history and is definitely worth a visit.
After we left the house, we walked down to the downtown commercial area. Our walk took us through shady, tree-lined residential streets, and I was tickled to see homes with haint blue porch ceilings all over the place. One house was even being built in the typical Charleston style, and the painters were painting the ceiling haint blue. I snapped some photos because I thought you'd like to see them.
While we were downtown, the skies opened up and it began to rain. I snapped some pictures of these ladies who did what all Southerners do--we make do. :-)
When the rain relented, Ginger and I began our walk toward a place where we'd be more likely to pick up a taxi. While we stood on a street corner, a car came by and turned--and splashed us from head to toe. I promise, it was just like a scene in a movie, but the water was HOT. Not nearly as refreshing as it should have been.
Covered in dirty water and wet again, we caught a cab and went to North Charleston for our Starbucks stop. On the way, we talked to our garrulous cab driver. The conversation was pleasant and trivial until he happened to mention that he'd been over to Israel and seen the body of Jesus in a machine. Excuse me? Well, you know I couldn't let that one go by. Later I realized that he may have been confused about the shroud of Turin, but I said, "No, the body of Jesus is alive and well in heaven, so there's no way it's in a machine." He then assured me that he believed all religions had a bit of truth, and I said yes, but ONE religion, or one God, had all truth, because a supreme, holy, righteous God must be all truth. And if one God is truth, then the one who opposes him is a liar . . .
Anyway, I assured him that I wasn't interested in debating him or trying to convert him--because the Bible says that all who come to God must be drawn by the Spirit first. So when we left and he said that he wished the ride could have been longer, I said that I would be praying for him to find the Truth.
At our Starbucks stop, we were soon joined by Debbie Hopkins, one of the original Dazers (a member of the Heavenly Daze yahoo group, if you've never heard the term.) Debbie had been with us on last January's Heavenly Daze cruise, so we had a great time catching up. She's such a dear.
When we finished our visit, Debbie dropped me and Ginger at an outlet mall (funny how we seem to be shopping our way down the eastern seaboard), where we ate dinner and then came back to pack.
We have to catch the train tomorrow morning at 5:00 AM (yes, you read that right), so we're turning in early tonight and trying to pack ahead of time. We'll be in Savannah a little after six, so we'll have nearly two days to explore that lovely Southern city. If you're in the area, we'd love to see you at our Starbucks stop on Thursday.
Have a great day tomorrow! And stay out of the heat! (The heat index here was 105 degrees!)
I love reading your posts of your visits!!! Thanks for doing this for all of us. Have more safe travelling & fun adventures!!!
Oh, such a fun day! We spent a way-too-short day in Charleston last year and never made it to downtown. We did go to a plantation just outside Charleston.
Savannah has been one of my longing-to-visit places ever since I read all of Eugenia Price's novels over 20 years ago!
Thanks for taking us along virtually!
What a great truth to remember, Angie. "All who come to God must be drawn by the Spirit first." Thanks for that reminder today.
Oh, and I love reading about your adventures! Maybe Tom and I will have to see Charleston for our anniversary.
Fun to see you and Debbie together in Charleston! I am enjoying your trip vicariously, but it's making me want to do it again myself. Clyde
How fun! I loved Charleston when we were there last Spring. It is an added extra bonus to get to see Debbie! It sounds like you are having a great time! Looking forward to your book!
That place would be awesome for someone writing a southern historical!
It would be awesome anyway. I love stuff like that.
Hi Angie. I think Kay Day and I should do something like this. We should leave our husbands at home and take off for a few days. I could have so much fun laughing both with and at Kay, and, I'm sure, vice versa.
Your trip sounds so fun!
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